The Best Neural Networks for Writing Texts

April 19, 2024

Artificial intelligence has long ago and firmly entered our lives. And while some are afraid of a machine uprising, others are successfully using neural networks to write texts, create articles for magazines and websites, describe product cards, generate headlines and new ideas. Writing texts with AI is becoming more and more popular and in demand in today’s world.

Advantages of using neural networks

Neural networks are able to process and analyze a large amount of information. They generate texts that are as close as possible to the style and grammar of a person. Relying on existing templates of ready-made articles, mathematical models produce good versions of texts in a short time, which, with proper correction, can be used in work, for educational purposes, and in commerce.

  1. Time-saving is the first thing that immediately catches your eye when using AI. Neural networks generate texts quickly, within a few seconds, a couple of minutes at most.
  2. Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can optimize your workflow, do more in less time, and therefore have time to do something else.
  3. You can also entrust neural networks with the same old descriptions of products, equipment parts, etc.
  4. If necessary, you can rely on AI ideas if you can’t come up with anything on your own.

Neural networks create coherent, structured texts, especially if the query is correctly formulated. 

How to use a neural network to write texts?

  1. Formulate the topic of the future text. By the way, a neural network can help you with this. Experiment with the titles of articles, see what the AI produces at each request. After some time, having studied the behavior of a particular AI model, you will be able to understand how best to formulate a query so that the neural network correctly understands the user’s desire and produces the expected result.
  2. Describe the type of text. It can be a product card description, a text for a website, a home page, an abstract, a term paper, a report, a publication for a social network.
  3. Write the introductory information. For example, the fact that in the middle of the text you need to insert a link (if an anchor, specify this), what should be spelled out at the end, what to emphasize, etc. Specify how much text should be in words or characters.
  4. Click on “generate text” and wait a few seconds, a minute at most.
  5. The next step is to save the text.

Features of the neural network

Often, artificial intelligence works in the same pattern:

  • uses anglicisms and modal verbs;
  • ignores tautologies;
  • repeats itself in the content;
  • writes in a dry and restrained manner;
  • uses recognizable phrases.

To make the text more natural, you will need to correct it manually. This is not very long, if initially the artificial intelligence produced the text that is needed. And although the neural network takes into account the structure of articles, correctly formulates sentences, and adheres to a uniform writing style, still the articles that came out from under the “pen” of the machine need to be corrected. Such are even the best neural networks for writing texts.

Neural network generates text

Neural networks for text generation

  1. The first one that comes to mind, of course, is ChatGPT 3. It is one of the most powerful neural networks for text generation at the moment. The model can generate texts that mimic human style and grammar.
  2. ChatGPT-2, the predecessor of ChatGPT-3, is also a powerful neural network for texting. It is useful for creating descriptions, articles, and other types of textual content.
  3. Aithor – discover the power of free AI essay writing generator to create high-quality essays effortlessly. Get assistance with articles, paragraphs, and papers.
  4. BERT is one of the most popular neural networks. It has a great advantage in working with complex sentences and semantic constructions, which allows you to generate higher-quality texts.
  5. CTRL is a neural network developed by OpenAI that specializes in generating conditional text. It is tuned to a specific topic or style to generate texts that match the given parameters. CTRL is widely used to generate code, poetry and musical lyrics.
  6. Transformer-XL is a neural network designed to generate context-aware articles in previous sentences. It allows generating high-quality texts with longer-term cohesion.

NeuroTexter is a tool that understands queries in Russian and allows you to get a high-quality, coherent and stylistically correct text in a few seconds. In the neural network editor, the finished text can be corrected, rewritten, unique, so that no plagiarism program can find something to pick on. The text can be shortened according to the precepts of the famous book “Write. Reduce” or, on the contrary, expand, add new details. The neural network will adjust to the request and even start a new text from the middle of the last one.

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