According to a recent survey, most girls in Russia consider 24 to be the ideal age for marriage. This proves, once again, that ladies from this country are an excellent choice for those who want to have a young, beautiful wife.
The day you discovered the opportunity to meet Russian girls for marriage online was definitely your lucky day. But now you might be thinking, “How do I even start talking to one?” What should your first message to such a woman look like? How about the second and third ones and your communication in general? Our team has collected a bunch of tips on what Russian brides want to discuss (and what they don’t) with their potential partners. Keep reading to develop effective communication skills!
Table of Contents
How Do You Start a Conversation with a Russian Girl?
The perfect start would be asking the girl something about her. If you find the lady on a Russian dating site, look for special things in her bio and create questions based on that information. For example, if she mentioned having a cat, ask what its name is or how long she’s had it.
Another approach is to find your common points and talk about them. Say you read that the woman is into skiing or, perhaps, you saw that she has a lot of pictures doing it. In this case, you could tell that you’ve recently traveled to Europe just to enjoy skiing down the beautiful Alps.
The third idea is to ask her about… you! We know it sounds weird, but let us show you a great example. Start your chat with something like, “So, I’m trying to choose between two movies to watch tonight, “Love Actually” and “The Transporter.” Which one would you choose if you were me?” This shows your interest in her opinion and also gives you a topic for the conversation.
How to Flirt with a Russian Woman over Text?
Online Russian women dating allows for finding a romantic partner easier, but at the same time, it makes it harder. Paradox! You can’t just look at your date in awe or compliment her laughter because you don’t see her in real life. But no worries, there are flirty things you can do online too!
Suggest exchanging selfies
Sending a picture of yourself that you’ve just taken can be quite intimate. Therefore, our advice is to ask your virtual date if she could share her selfie with you. She will probably ask you for the same, so be ready for it. This little photo exchange doesn’t seem like something significant while you’re doing it, but it will definitely add a romantic vibe to your chats.
Put meaning in your text messages
You don’t have to say how much you adore her. In fact, it has to be avoided. Instead, you could write, “When will we have a video call again? Please name a day that ends with a “y.” It’s super cute and funny, and it shows her that you want to see her again. Just what a doctor prescribed!
Create a playlist for her
Luckily, you can share playlists via Spotify easily, so the technical part is not going to be an issue. Actually, the whole thing is quite easy to do. If she has ever mentioned her favorite song or artist, you should consider it when creating the playlist. Plus, make sure to include a few very romantic songs with meaningful lyrics. Make your date wonder whether you meant to say these words to her or if you haven’t noticed how I’m-into-you they sound.
Have a “Before Sunrise” phone call
In the movie “Before Sunrise,” two characters who have just met pretend to have a phone call with their friends, telling them about their dates. You should try it too! Imagine you are calling your best buddy, saying, “Hey, I’ve just met this really magnificent lady, and I can’t stop smiling when thinking about her. She’s got charming sky-blue eyes, and laughing at her jokes is my favorite thing to do now.” Do it when having a call or a video chat with your virtual date. Ask her to do the same. Your online girlfriend will not be able to resist the charm of such a romantic adventure.
Top No’s of Effective Communication with Russian Ladies
OK, you know what to talk to Russian brides about. But how about the things you should never mention? You don’t have a guide for every single message, after all.
No problem. Check out this list of taboos when building a relationship with a Russian woman, and avoid them at all costs.
- Don’t criticize her country. Even if she complained about Russia herself, your words might offend her, especially if you’ve never been there.
- Don’t ignore cultural differences. Instead of telling her what you imagine her life in the US to be like, ask her what her idea of a perfect marriage and life together is.
- Avoid love bombing. If you send too many loving, affectionate messages, the Russian bride may get bored with you quickly.
- Don’t be too casual too soon. Saying things like “Oh, I know you very well” on the second or third date might make you look like an overconfident guy with too much self-love.
- Avoid being superficial. Make sure you have meaningful conversations with your Russian woman and not just fun talks about your favorite romcoms.
Summing Up
Your communication with a Russian mail order bride can be exciting and romantic, even if you are thousands of miles away from each other. Creating a special playlist for your date or sending cute, silly selfies to each other can be a lot of fun. Even simple chatting can be quite flirty and spicy if you use the right words. In addition, it’s important to pick a good dating platform that allows you not only to send text messages but also to have late-night video calls with meaningful conversations. We wish you a great time building a relationship with a girl from Russia!