Are you an Amazon shopper? If not, then you are missing a chance to earn. For those who are already Amazon shoppers, you can earn by sharing your shopping history if you are wondering how then this review is designed for you.
In this review, I will take you through ShopTracker with a focus on its legitness, taking part in the surveys, how the app works, and lastly, the pros and cons, among other things.
Table of Contents
ShopTracker by Harris Poll

Name: ShopTracker
Description: If you often participate in surveys, then you must have come across survey platforms that reward cash when you participate in their surveys. You might have also come across the ones that get you redeemable points for cash or gifts. Well, all these generate extra income in addition to what you make on your other hustles.
What is ShopTracker?
Sometimes uniqueness is vital, and you might find the surveys that are unique, very interesting to participate. One platform that guarantees you the uniqueness is the ShopTracker. This is a platform that will pay you by tracking your shopping history. The platform aims to set e-commerce to another level by getting your feedback on your shopping experience.
The platform also tries to find out the common gadgets used when shopping. All these aims at getting you the best for your upcoming online shopping experiences. Next time you log into a shopping site and you realize significant changes, then keep in mind that you are one of the contributors to such changes when you are a member of ShopTracker.
ShopTracker is a property of one of the most popular survey platforms called Harris Poll Online. The Harris Poll Online is one of the legitimate online survey sites that collect feedback from participants on different products and services and later on analyze the feedback. The outcome is shared with the service providers to improve the quality of the products and services.
Lastly, ShopTracker is a platform that will pay you $36 by allowing them to track your shopping history from amazon. This is free money and an easy win for you as a shopper and participant.
The Eligibility
Before you sign up for any survey program, remember to check if you are eligible or not. This saves you a lot of time, as you will know if it’s for you or not. We have requirements and the essential criteria for participating. Once you meet the requirements, then you are ready to share your shopping history and earn.
You must be 18 years and above. This is the age limit for most of the participants in other online platforms. The age is ideal as it allows you to express your views as an adult.
You must be a resident of the United States. This is a win for those who live in the United States. The HarrisPoll platform that handles this ShopTracker has a plan to expand the regional participation worldwide. But for now, you can get your account running if you live in the USA. One of the reasons why the US was considered is because the majority of Amazon shoppers come from the USA.
You must be a frequent shopper on Amazon. The survey tracks your shopping behavior and sends feedback to companies. These companies pay, and the platform shares the reward with you. If you have an Amazon account, then this will be a win for you.
You’ll need at least a Windows 7-compatible PC. This system allows for the easy installation of the ShopTracker App. This will also work on your smartphone. Unfortunately, Mac doesn’t support this app.
How To Use The App To Earn
As said earlier, this platform pays you for your continuous online shopping with amazon. The only thing you need is to allow access to your shopping history. This happens by synchronizing your amazon shopping account with the app. This allows easy collection of your shopping history.
You have to register for you to get permission to use the app. This involves responding to a few questions concerning your shopping experience. You will need your email address for registration. You have to be a frequent shopper with Amazon, and this means that you already have an account.
Once you have been allowed to use the ShopTracker, you will be sent a link to download the app on your computer or smartphone. Download and install the app on your Windows computer or smartphone. You will find the app as Harris Panel on google play or Play Store. Once you download the app, install it, and get ready to start using it.
Synchronize the Amazon account with the app. Once you open the app, it will collect your Amazon shopping history. When you install the app, you get an amazon gift reward of $3. If you keep the app on your phone, you will get $3 every month. This is a catchy deal and an offer no one can reject. Every month, you will receive a survey on your shopping experience with amazon. Once you complete the survey, you get a gift voucher of $3.
Note that ShopTracker only gets your shopping history. The private information such as credit card information, names, shopping details won’t be collected. This keeps everything private between you and the platform.
Is ShopTracker Legit Or Scam?
We have hundreds of survey platforms online. We cannot guarantee you that all of them are legit. Some are scams that exploit you and never reward you for your efforts. Our review today focuses on the ShopTracker platform. If you are new to it, then you are right to doubt its legitness.
Well, this is a platform handled by the Harris Poll Online. The HarrisPoll has had years of operation with results benefiting the consumer market. It has over 6 million users worldwide, and since 1997, it has continued to help the modern economy by analyzing feedback and sending it to service providers. Since this is a platform managed by HarrisPoll, we continue to bank on the positive impact that the HarrisPoll has had in the market to qualify ShopTracker as legit. The HarrisPoll is interested in specific information, and that’s why it is running this platform to track the Amazon buyer history only. This helps in informing the sellers about the feeling and trends of shopping.
Once you sign up, you download the app and synchronize it with your Amazon account. Well, you receive a gift card of $3, which is redeemable in 48 hours. This is a legit platform that allows you to get rewarded by signing in.
Will ShopTracker Make You A Fortune?
This could be a question on your mind. ShopTracker pays you for your shopping history. You need to be a shopper for you to benefit from this survey. All the information collected by ShopTracker will get you the best outcome if you have several active amazon accounts.
If you have three accounts, then you benefit more as you will earn three times more. The more amazon accounts you have, the higher the rewards.
What information does ShopTracker collect on your amazon shopping history?
Perhaps you would be wondering about the kind of information ShopTracker collects from your shopping history. Well, we have a list of information that will be collected, and this will be compiled and shared with companies to help them analyze consumer behavior.
Here is a list of the information collected. Note that no personal information or data is collected or shared with other users. Therefore, the platform remains true to your privacy.
- Order date
- Order ID
- Release date
- Product name
- Category
- Seller
- Price per unit
- Quantity
- Condition
- Order price
- Order status
- Currency use
Pros And Cons Of Shoptracker
ShopTracker is a platform that utilizes an application to gather your shopping history from amazon’s account. This site has advantages as well as disadvantages. Let’s look at some of the benefits that come with this site.
- It is free to sign up. When you plan to enroll in this platform, you will not pay. Just sign up for the app and get the link to download the app.
- It guarantees privacy. Some of the things required are your email address, city, and zip code. Once you have the login information, your privacy is vital. The information gathered is never shared with anyone. This gives you the confidence to continue earning, knowing your information is secure.
- You are guaranteed $36 every year. Once you install the app and keep it on your phone, you will receive a monthly survey with questions on your shopping experience. This monthly survey earns you $3, which sums up to $36 per year.
- You get the rewards as long as you have the app on your phone and shop every month with Amazon. For instance, if you don’t attempt the survey but still keep the app on your phone or pc, then you will still earn. For some people, this is a hassle-free experience. For those who have more than one amazon shopping account, they stand a better chance as they earn more from each shopping experience monthly.
- Payments are super fast. Once you complete the survey, you will get your payment, which can be converted to your desired gift card or shopping voucher to experience continued shopping from any online outlet.
- For new members, you get a $3 gift card that is redeemable in 48 hours. Not so many sites welcome you in this style. Therefore, ShopTracker is unique.
- No restriction for opting out. As a member, you can cancel the plan anytime. This means that you don’t have any binding laws with the survey site.
- You can participate with more than one Amazon account as long as it is active throughout the month. This ensures that you earn enough rewards yearly.
- This is an app handled by Harris Poll Online, which is one of the most popular sites that has existed for a very long time.
- It is restricted to 18 years and above, and children below 18 cannot participate.
- If you don’t have an amazon account, then you won’t participate in the process.
- The Mac system doesn’t allow the installation of the app. Only Windows and smartphone owners can install the app successfully.
- You must be residing in the USA. This is not a worldwide platform. It’s only limited people who live in the US and shop with Amazon.
- It sounds well paying, but you need more than one account to benefit well. With one account, you won’t get the best out of the platform.
User Review
( votes)Similar Surveys:
Can I take the survey from any part of the world?
No. Only residents in the United States qualify to participate.
What is the age limit for participating?
You must be 18 years and above for you to participate in the program.
How much can I make per year?
With one account, you will make $36 yearly. This means that you will have $3 every month.
What information is collected by ShopTracker?
When filling the signup form, you will provide personal information. In addition to this, ShopTracker will collect your recent shopping history from Amazon.
How safe is my personal information with ShopTracker?
This platform collects your personal information and tracks your shopping history. Your personal information is only for registration.
How is HarrisPoll Online related to ShopTracker?
HarrisPoll Online is a popular survey platform with many years of operating. It’s the one that handles ShopTracker.
ShopTracker allows you to earn rewards by sharing your shopping history. As much as the site won’t make you rich, you can still utilize the small wins and gains to make your side hustle real. This site works with an app that is easy to install and also stress-free to navigate through.
HarrisPoll Online is a platform with years of survey and market research. It’s the one that handles ShopTracker. Therefore, this is a real platform. You will make some cash and get the opportunity to shop on popular shopping platforms. If you are a frequent shopper on Amazon, why not utilize this chance and earn from your shopping?